Saturday, January 28, 2017


"Do you believe in miracles?" She asked.

I said "yes I do. Miracles are part of my life. I live by it. "

"Will you pray for my Miracle Angie?" She asked with the broken voice.

I could feel her broken heart, as I silently whispered, "I will" by holding my tears.

Life isn't easy for all of us. Each of us go through pain and agony.
There is ONE HOPE in this world.
The Hope that deliver us all from the troubles we face;
the Hope that hold us up when we feel low;
The Hope that console us when we are all alone by ourselves;
The Hope that gives us the strength in our weaknesses;
The Hope that finds us a way when we are lost;
The Hope that gives us wings to fly;
The Hope that gives us breath to live;
The Hope that gives us eternal life;
And the only Hope that we have is JESUS CHRIST.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Lord's Letter

Dear Child,

Do not be afraid
For I have redeemed you.
I have called you by your name.
You are Mine,My sweet love.

When you pass through the (deep) waters
I will be with you.
When you pass through the rivers(of difficulty), they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire(of oppression), you will not be burned.
The flames will not consume you.

I am the Lord of Israel;
I am your Saviour;
I came into this world to protect you.
You are the Apple of My Eye,My love.

I created you
I will support you like a mother
I will watch over you whereever you go
I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.

Forget the former things;
Do not dwell in the past.
See, I am doing a new thing.

I am the Lord your God.

Yours Lovingly,